Benzak Denim Developers
【Benzak Denim Developers】BBJ-03 FLIGHT JACKET black m-65 reverse sateen twill 毛絨 復刻陸軍布料 飛行夾克
M-65 反面緞紋布是從經典的 M-65 野戰夾克所使用的布料進行復刻和致敬,該布料以其開發的年份命名,並被廣泛用於越南戰爭期間的美國軍隊。棉和尼龍的混合物既具有透氣性和耐用性,又因其輕便而適合多種用途的多層次穿搭。當與合適的襯裡相結合,例如此款飛行夾克--使用棉絨內襯,它甚至可以用在比東南亞熱帶地區更炎熱的天氣條件。
BBJ-03 FLIGHT JACKET 是根據我們的 BBJ 基本剪裁設計的,加入了常見於經典飛行夾克的細節。它擁有兩個大的帶蓋口袋、一個內部口袋和一個厚實的棉絨領;內襯還延伸至整個服裝包括袖子。這件服裝採用的面料非常特別,因為其來源可以追溯到完全不同類型的軍用夾克(請參閱布料),但我們將兩者結合在一起,創造了一件獨特的作品,效果出人意料地好。
【Benzak Denim Developers】BBJ-03 FLIGHT JACKET black m-65 reverse sateen twill 毛絨 復刻陸軍布料 飛行夾克
如何挑選合適的尺寸?/How to pick the right size?
Almost all raw denim has a shrinkage rate around 3-5% after first several wash.In order to help new-comers pick the right size.
We are always here to help.
Just click the “Message Us”whenever you have questions.
購買後能否退換貨?/How to return / exchange?
We put our customers’ needs at the core of what we do.
So when you find your order unfit / does not match your expectation.
Always feel free to send us an email about how you feel and what your questions are.
Please note that the tshirt /underwear /socks is not applicable for return / exchange.
牛仔褲該如何清洗?/How should you wash your jeans?
Never bleach, tumble try, using any fabric softener.
Always put your beloved garments in a wash bag.
Wash with low agitation / low-spin speed.
For your raw denim to evolve and set in shape well,We recommend wearing 6 months straight before doing the first wash.
The more you wear and wash,the lighter the jeans will become.
注意事項 & 通用洗滌建議/General Care & Precautions
如果能以柔洗、低轉速功能洗衣,為最推薦的方式。Please note that all indigo product including raw denim can “bleed” causing the transfer of indigo blue color from your garments to other surface like white tshirt or light color shoes. The “bleeding” will lessen with wear and after first several washes.
We high recommend you to put all your cloth in a wash bag when doing laundry.Please never use tumble dry on quality goods; never use softener; never use detergent that contain bleach.
If possible, wash your cloth in a low-spin speed to protect the garment.