【Full Count】0105SSW "Super Smooth" Denim 11.5oz 超輕薄辛巴威棉寬鬆直筒牛仔褲
Full Count品牌提供原色及一洗兩種版本的原色褲,基於便利與專業性考量,我們只引進一洗的版本,無縮率可直接穿著。 0105 是寬鬆直筒的版型設計,採用13.7oz Full Count 原創丹寧布,原料取自手工摘取的辛巴威棉製成,100% 純棉車線縫製,搭配 Full Count 客製鈕扣、客製銅質鉚釘,粉色赤耳布邊設計。
這款經典牛仔褲採用100%辛巴威棉及13.7oz的丹寧布料製成。透過工匠們深厚的技術理解與合作,Full Count原創丹寧布以最佳張力編織,以完美呈現辛巴威棉的迷人質感。此款原為「1953 MODEL」的牛仔褲,在剪裁上加寬改良了不少並重新命名為0105,強調臀部的垂墜感,增加了前後檔的高度差,臀部寬度也額外加大,但依然維持極佳的線條感,有效避免正面腿部的膨脹感或臀部過於寬鬆的現象。1105牛仔褲在過往受到木村拓哉長期愛用,自Full Count成立以來一直是都是重點款式。
*為了追求舒適性,本商品使用「Loom State」(未經防縮處理的布料)的丹寧布,為良好低呈現棉料本身的彈性、韌性與質地,此布料在舊式織布機上製作。 基於這種布料本身的特性,受布料特性的影響、製作時的溫濕度不同,可能造成尺寸差異數公分。 即使是同一商品及尺碼,亦可能存在數公分的個體差異。 敬請理解。
- 13.7oz未預縮日本丹寧
- 粉紅色赤耳布邊
- 專業日本一洗處理,無縮水問題
- 100%手工採摘的辛巴威棉
- 100%棉線縫製
- 高腰設計
- 寬鬆直筒剪裁
- 寬鬆褲腳
- 客製化鈕扣
- 客製化銅鉚釘
- 後口袋隱藏鉚釘設計
- 凸起加強皮帶環
- 植鞣山羊皮皮標
- 產地:日本
cm | 腰圍 | 褲檔 | 大腿 | 膝蓋 | 褲腳 | 褲長 |
27 | 71 |
28 | 29.5 | 23 | 22 | 80 |
28 | 73.5 | 28.5 | 30.5 | 23.5 | 22 | 80 |
29 | 76 | 29 | 31.5 | 23.5 | 22.5 | 80 |
30 | 78.5 | 30 | 32.5 | 23.5 | 22.5 | 80 |
31 | 81 | 30 | 33 | 25 | 23.5 | 80 |
32 | 83.5 | 30.5 | 34 | 25 | 24 | 80 |
33 | 86 | 30.5 | 35 | 25 | 24 | 86 |
34 | 88.5 | 31 | 35.5 | 26 | 24 | 86 |
35 | 91 | 32 | 36 | 27 | 25.5 | 86 |
36 | 93.5 | 32 | 37 | 27 | 25.5 | 86 |
38 | 96 | 33 | 38 | 27.5 | 25.5 | 86 |
40 | 98.5 | 33 | 38.5 | 29 | 27 | 86 |
【Full Count】0105SSW "Super Smooth" Denim 11.5oz 超輕薄辛巴威棉寬鬆直筒牛仔褲
如何挑選合適的尺寸?/How to pick the right size?
Almost all raw denim has a shrinkage rate around 3-5% after first several wash.In order to help new-comers pick the right size.
We are always here to help.
Just click the “Message Us”whenever you have questions.
購買後能否退換貨?/How to return / exchange?
We put our customers’ needs at the core of what we do.
So when you find your order unfit / does not match your expectation.
Always feel free to send us an email about how you feel and what your questions are.
Please note that the tshirt /underwear /socks is not applicable for return / exchange.
牛仔褲該如何清洗?/How should you wash your jeans?
Never bleach, tumble try, using any fabric softener.
Always put your beloved garments in a wash bag.
Wash with low agitation / low-spin speed.
For your raw denim to evolve and set in shape well,We recommend wearing 6 months straight before doing the first wash.
The more you wear and wash,the lighter the jeans will become.
注意事項 & 通用洗滌建議/General Care & Precautions
如果能以柔洗、低轉速功能洗衣,為最推薦的方式。Please note that all indigo product including raw denim can “bleed” causing the transfer of indigo blue color from your garments to other surface like white tshirt or light color shoes. The “bleeding” will lessen with wear and after first several washes.
We high recommend you to put all your cloth in a wash bag when doing laundry.Please never use tumble dry on quality goods; never use softener; never use detergent that contain bleach.
If possible, wash your cloth in a low-spin speed to protect the garment.