brother bridge
【Brother Bridge】Berlin White Gray 馬皮德訓鞋灰白配色
被譽為軍用運動鞋代表的「German Trainer」,源自西德軍隊的室內運動訓練鞋。原版為德國製,楦頭相對較窄,Brother Bridge 特別針對日本人的腳型重新設計,採用更寬楦頭,更加符合亞洲人的腳型。
作為運動鞋,穿著時利於活動並長時間保持舒適性,是相當重要的一環,Brother Bridge特意將鞋舌處及鞋口周圍的填充海棉加厚,讓雙腳自套入的瞬間就能感受到溫柔的包覆感,此外,鞋墊內的緩衝設計也使腳底更為貼合,提供步行,甚至奔跑時必要的支撐性。
- 可更換鞋底
- 馬皮皮面
採用義大利 Opera 鞣革廠出品的高品質麂皮拚皮
【Brother Bridge】Berlin White Gray 馬皮德訓鞋灰白配色
如何挑選合適的尺寸?/How to pick the right size?
Almost all raw denim has a shrinkage rate around 3-5% after first several wash.In order to help new-comers pick the right size.
We are always here to help.
Just click the “Message Us”whenever you have questions.
購買後能否退換貨?/How to return / exchange?
We put our customers’ needs at the core of what we do.
So when you find your order unfit / does not match your expectation.
Always feel free to send us an email about how you feel and what your questions are.
Please note that the tshirt /underwear /socks is not applicable for return / exchange.
牛仔褲該如何清洗?/How should you wash your jeans?
Never bleach, tumble try, using any fabric softener.
Always put your beloved garments in a wash bag.
Wash with low agitation / low-spin speed.
For your raw denim to evolve and set in shape well,We recommend wearing 6 months straight before doing the first wash.
The more you wear and wash,the lighter the jeans will become.
注意事項 & 通用洗滌建議/General Care & Precautions
如果能以柔洗、低轉速功能洗衣,為最推薦的方式。Please note that all indigo product including raw denim can “bleed” causing the transfer of indigo blue color from your garments to other surface like white tshirt or light color shoes. The “bleeding” will lessen with wear and after first several washes.
We high recommend you to put all your cloth in a wash bag when doing laundry.Please never use tumble dry on quality goods; never use softener; never use detergent that contain bleach.
If possible, wash your cloth in a low-spin speed to protect the garment.